Help Event

Old Events

Every year I focus around Christmas on helping siblings who need more, helping with food, toys and counting on the help of family and friends, this organization becomes possible, very grateful for all the will and service

Next Event

It fills us with joy to announce that we are organizing the “Little Guardians of the Jungle” event with the aim of raising funds for a laser printer, inks, sheets, toys the teachers draw and write for each student and a printer would save them that time to learn.

However, educational items and food are needed for children in needy families. This event will take place on December 5, 2023 in the San Francisco Native Community at the N264-B Initial Educational School in Ucayali Peru.

This community and the school teaches in the native language “Chipiva” they preserve their language and customs.

My first visit was in June where I contributed with a grain of Love and brought them supplies, balls they did not have any balls, a small celebration was prepared for them to be happy, this is now where I invite you so that you can help them more for the Christmas season

"Little Guardians of the Jungle" | Ucayali - Peru


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